
With traditional monitoring you check if all the technical measurements are within green values. However watching CPU usage doesn’t allways tell you what the user experience is. With Siderunner we have the ability to monitor web applications on a higher level. Not the level of your code but the level of your users. It does not only know when your own infrastructure is hebaving differently. But we have had several occasions where a third party service was causing problems in a business critical application. It allows to establish baseline performance for key business processes and set alerts for when those steps take longer than expected. Or worse, not at all. Our engineers have come to value the level of confidence that Siderunner gives about the availability of our applications. Often when we get an alert we first check whether the key processes are stil operational. This helps us determine the severity of the experienced incidents. Siderunner runs Selenium IDE files, this means you don’t have to learn new tools.